Owner 资源
If you are looking for professional property management, you can rest easy knowing that with our management services, you get much more than a property manager. You get an entire team of skilled 拥有专业知识的专业人士,为您提供最优质的住宅易世博. 如果您是当前的客户,我们提供方便的访问报表和更多.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have electronic and automated systems set up? E.g., online portal.
是的,不仅我们的业主都可以访问在线门户,我们的居民也可以. This makes things like document signing, fund transfers, maintenance requests, and owner statements so much easier and transparent between all parties.
Who holds the security deposits?
We hold onto all security deposits on the resident’s behalf. We hold these in a dedicated trust account as required by law. 在搬出时,我们将评估房屋的任何损坏或清洁费,并在必要时在我们州规定的时间框架内将剩余的资金支付给居民.
What is your philosophy on repairs and replacement? 您是尝试找到最便宜的解决方案,还是更喜欢更昂贵的选择,以创建一个维修或更换将持续?
根据我们的专业经验,我们发现最好使用中级零件进行维修. 我们发现,使用最便宜的产品最终会导致产品的成本增加,更换频率也会增加. 然而, 我们评估每一种情况,并确保任何维修都是有意义的,既节省成本,又保护资产.
During the pandemic, how successful have you been at rental collection?
虽然已经暂停了租金,让一些生活困难的居民可以推迟支付租金, 我们一直遵守所有政府法规和指导方针,以便我们能够尽可能主动地向所有客户和客户提供信息.
我们建议至少每6个月进行一次物业评估,以核实物业的状况. 这提供了一种主动的方法,以便我们可以在它们变成更昂贵的维修之前捕获任何潜在的问题.
我们将根据我们对该地区的专业知识以及对市场租金的分析,为您提供我们建议的租金价格. If you do not agree with the pricing, 我们将制定一个营销计划,其中可能包括评估和根据需要降低租金金额的计划. 请记住,选择与PMI推荐价格相反的租金价格将使您退出30天的租金保证.
If I am purchasing a property with a resident already in place, how would the transfer of the documents and funds look?
At the time of closing, all deposits, prorated rents, and any other resident funds should be surrendered to you. We will need these items as well as any lease agreements, 帐, 键, 遥控器, or other details for the property forwarded to us at our office. 您可以安排将这些物品送到我们这里,或者我们可以安排取回它们.
How many evictions do you have each month?
Due to our extensive resident screening process, 我们可以自豪地说,我们每年处理的驱逐数量低于平均水平. It is uncommon that we have an eviction on a monthly basis.
Our average residents stay in a property for 2 to 2.5年. The type of property, 位置, 物业维护管理的方式都是影响住户留存的因素.
How do you screen prospective residents?
All occupants 18 and older must fill out our online application. 申请人的批准是基于一个公平和一致的评分过程,以遵守公平住房法规. 我们执行信用检查,以检测任何催收,破产,并评估信用价值. 就业和以前的租赁历史是通过联系他们现在的雇主和以前的房东核实的. We also perform criminal background checks on all prospective residents.
How do you handle maintenance request from residents?
Work orders can be submitted electronically through our resident portals. 然后,我们的维护协调员将评估请求,并继续与居民一起解决问题,并确定是否需要维修. If it is deemed that a technician is needed, 维修协调员将联系相关方进行维修. 如果维修超过我们在你们的管理协议中同意的预留金额, you will be notified prior to the repair being authorized. 如果需要额外的资金来完成维修,我们将提前要求.
Do the damage costs charged to the Resident at move-out include all repairs, damage fees, and maintenance that the Resident is responsible for?
是的, 当我们进行迁出检查时,我们会将其与迁入检查进行比较,并向居民收取任何损坏费用, not including any wear and tear. We will then deduct that from the resident’s security deposit. 如果损害超过保证金的金额,我们也将试图收集额外的资金来支付费用. 如果租客不支付多余的金额,我们将追讨他们.
Do you have any resident fees that are charged during the occupancy? If so, are they shared with the owner?
是的, 我们确实有住院费,直接向住院者收取他们从我们办公室获得的服务和项目的费用. 这些是我们保留的费用,用来抵消管理物业和辅助项目的成本,这样我们就可以把更多的资金放在你的口袋里.
The current resident lease is currently in a month to month status. Do you recommend negotiating a lease with the tenant?
是的, 我们发现最好的做法是让你的居住者签订一份有固定租期的正式协议. We make our recommendations based on the resident history and market situation. 然而, 我们会根据每个人的情况,确保我们与您的目标保持一致.
Can you assist in utility setup for my property? If yes, what if any cost is associated with this service?
是的, we can assist you in setting up the utilities for your property. 我们有一个公用事业的设置成本,并要求额外的资金在您的储备账户,以支付所有的存款和费用,可能会要求公用事业公司.